Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Blog Updates and Things to Come

Just a few campsite improvements that I'm sure you've noticed.  Have you visit the new Recipe Archives page?  (You're welcome.)  I hope you enjoy it and I apologize for taking so long to get it up there.  I do want to make some tweaks to it, but it's functional and, I hope, useful.  The Top 5 Recipes for the Month have also been added to the side.  It's interesting to see what gets all of you excited.  Knowing what you like (by clicking on those recipes) will certainly help in deciding what to bake next.

I also wanted to give you some updates about what you can expect as we roll into the upcoming Holiday Baking Season.  Remember how I've promised you (twice) product reviews of the things I use most for baking?  Well, for real, I'm going to get to that.  And hopefully I'll even have a few contests for you to get some of these products for yourself.  At the very least, you should have a very nice list of baking related gifts to put on your holiday wish list or buy for your baking friends.

There is a strong possibility that you will see ads.  I hope they aren't obnoxious, but frankly, I need the cash.  Many a penny has been spent on extra butter and sugar this past year.  I'm not looking to make bank, so if the ads get crazy or slow everything to a crawl, they may disappear.  Ideally the ads would provide a little extra slush for ingredients.

In return, I offer you two things: First, printer-friendly recipe links.  These will be added to recipes going forward and over time they'll be added to past recipes.  I know it can be obnoxious to not have those links, so I apologize for dragging my feet on that. 

The second thing is better photography.  I know my pictures aren't very technical and often pretty terrible and poorly lit.  I've been trying, but I know I can do better.  I've gotten a lot of feedback that the step by step photos are very useful, especially for the beginning and novice baker, so those will continue.  But hopefully they'll be sharper, brighter and more drool-inducing.

Thank you for your on-going support.  It would be easy to stop doing this and return to a life of baking occasionally.  But my compulsion to try new recipes has been fueled and I do want to share them with you.  In a blogsphere full of talented baker-writers and not-so-talented baker-writers, I hope to be a voice of clarity about what works and how to make the things that don't work better.  And how to blend from scratch and not-so-from-scratch baking into delicious treats to satisfy all your cravings.

Happy Baking,
The Cookie Princess

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